
Showing posts from September, 2020

Okinawa Electric Vehicles Fight Pollution

  Okinawa Fights Pollution  Plug-in electric vehicles can improve the environment around you. It can also help the earth to breathe again. EVs produce very fewer emissions than conventional vehicles and it helps the environment by no smoke, clean ride. Basically, there are two types of life cycles for emissions. One is Direct Emission and other is Life Cycle Emission. Direct emissions are emitted through the tailpipe, through evaporation from the fuel system, and during the fueling process. Life cycle emissions include all emissions related to fuel and vehicle production, processing, distribution, use, and recycling/disposal.   For example, for a conventional gasoline vehicle, emissions are produced when petroleum is extracted from the ground, refined to gasoline, distributed to stations, and burned in vehicles. Like direct emissions, life cycle emissions include a variety of harmful pollutants. In 2017, India switched to Bharat Stage IV norms and by 2020, it will switch ...